Welcome to our new website! At Franche Primary, we are learning without limits.


 At Franche Community Primary School, we embed the key skills and knowledge of Geography within purposeful and engaging cross-curricular topics to inspire children’s natural curiosity about the world and its people. The Geography curriculum is driven by key questions and is implemented through well planned, sequenced and appropriately resourced sessions. Through the study of both human and physical Geography, children will be encouraged to understand and respect the differences between a wide range of people and environments. Our Geography lessons are a blend of practical sessions, discussion and research giving children the opportunity to explore, investigate and comprehend concepts and themes. 
In line with the National Curriculum, fieldwork skills will be taught within the school grounds and off-site, which will include the gathering of data, use of digital technology and communicating geographical information in a variety of ways. In addition to this, to ensure depth of knowledge and understanding, our ‘Where in the World’ sessions explore local and global issues whilst developing locational knowledge and map skills to become competently map-literate. These relevant learning opportunities and experiences will ensure that children develop an understanding of the world in which they live and their place within it alongside promoting children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
Home learning help

Click on one of the links below for some useful websites to develop your child's Geographical understanding: