Welcome to our new website! At Franche Primary, we are learning without limits.

Personal Development at Franche

Personal development at Franche Community Primary School is built upon the foundations of our school values of: Family, Respect, Aspiration, Nurture, Creativity, Heath and Enjoyment.  These are further promoted through assemblies and reflection time alongside promoting and developing pupils’ understanding and appreciation of British Values: The Rule of Law, Democracy, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance for all.

Personal Development in our curriculum

Personal development is embedded throughout our whole curriculum.  In addition to this, specific aspects are taught through:

  •  PSHE and RSE curriculums that include safeguarding units
  •  Computing (Project Evolve online safety)
  •  PE and DT promoting healthy lifestyles
  •  Forest School and Swimming lessons
  •  Franche mental health waves of support

Developing a Growth Mindset


Based upon the research of Carol Dweck, within all lessons, all children are encouraged to have a  ‘growth mindset’ in order to:               

  •  embrace challenge
  •  successfully collaborate               
  •  persevere and show resilience.

Inspiring successful futures

Economic wellbeing is promoted through:

  •  Economic PSHE units
  •  Year band enterprise projects
  •  Money workshops from HSBC


  •  All lessons link to a Big Picture outlining the place the new skill/ knowledge being learned has in the real world.
  •  Inspirational ‘STEM heroes’ are chosen from diverse backgrounds
  •  Visitors and workshops promoting careers linked to topics
  •  Careers fair

Pupil voice and peer leadership


We believe in empowering our pupils to be the change-makers of the future.  We create meaningful roles for pupils to allow them to make a positive impact on our school community and develop leadership skills.

Our Pupil Voice and Peer Leadership Roles:

  •  School Council
  •  Safeguarding Action Squad (SAS)
  •  Wellbeing Champions
  •  Reading Champions
  •  Eco Council
  •  Pupil Playleaders
  •  Head pupils & House Captains
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development
At Franche Community Primary School we want to give each child the opportunity to explore social and moral issues; develop a sense of social and moral responsibility and promote the British Values. Our Franche Primary School values of: Family, Respect, Aspiration, Nurture, Community, Health and Enjoyment embrace SMSC development and are at the heart of all that we do.

SMSC is the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development of the children in our school. This is not a separate subject that is taught explicitly but an aspect of learning that should be present in lessons and evident in pupils’ behaviour in school. Some lessons lend themselves more easily to direct SMSC development such as PSHE, Philosophy for Children and RE. We also aim to develop SMSC through assemblies, visits and visitors, community links, high behaviour expectations and our positive attitudes in school.



Local citizenship is developed through:

  •  Local history units to understand and celebrate our local area
  •  Geographical fieldwork unit to explore our local area and beyond.
  •  Visits to the local residential home to develop multi-general connections.
  •  Eco-council initiatives

Global citizenship is developed through:

  •  Sustainability units in Science, Geography and Design Technology