Welcome to our new website! At Franche Primary, we are learning without limits.


At Franche Community Primary School we want to give each child the opportunity to explore social and moral issues; develop a sense of social and moral responsibility and promote the British Values. Our Franche Primary School values of: Family, Respect, Aspiration, Nurture, Community, Health and Enjoyment embrace SMSC development and are at the heart of all that we do.

SMSC is the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development of the children in our school. This is not a separate subject that is taught explicitly but an aspect of learning that should be present in lessons and evident in pupils’ behaviour in school. Some lessons lend themselves more easily to direct SMSC development such as PSHE, Philosophy for Children and RE. We also aim to develop SMSC through assemblies, visits and visitors, community links, high behaviour expectations and our positive attitudes in school.