Welcome to our new website! At Franche Primary, we are learning without limits.

Our Curriculum Intent

At Franche, we pride ourselves on providing a creative curriculum that meets all the National Curriculum requirements and is personalised and designed to build on the unique needs of every pupil in our school. Our broad and balanced curriculum supports and promotes British Values and our very own personalised Franche Values: Family, Respect, Aspiration, Nurture, Creativity, Health and Enjoyment. Our aim is to provide rich opportunities and real-life experiences for all pupils to foster their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. We achieve this by embedding key curriculum skills and knowledge within engaging, purposeful and child-led topics to ensure the best possible outcomes for all. 

Our vision is to foster a life-long love of learning through adopting an ambitious, engaging and purposeful curriculum. Our Creative Curriculum aspires to equip our children with the key skills and knowledge required to be independent, successful and responsible citizens of the future. 
We aim to deliver our rich curriculum through:

  • Developing children’s key skills, knowledge and understanding within the context of engaging, meaningful, enquiry-led topics that are personalised to our learners and school context.

  • Using approaches to ensure key content is remembered long-term and that ensure that pupils make links to prior learning.
  • Ensuring all children are appropriately challenged with deeper level tasks and questioning.
  • Developing a sense of community and belonging: contributing to our community through direct interaction – making links with local individuals, organisations and businesses.
  • Providing opportunities for children to extend their learning inside and outside of the classroom.
  • Maintaining a flexible timetabling approach to make space for true depth of study.

  • Establishing cross-curricular links to foster a greater breadth of understanding and application of learned skills and knowledge.

  • Involving the children in the planning and giving them choice in the direction the learning takes, thereby increasing engagement and motivation.

  • Ensuring pupils are resilient and aspirational by adopting a ‘Growth Mindset’ approach.

  • Embedding children’s Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development alongside promoting British Values throughout every subject area.